The Bible is the unadulterated Truth and God’s final authority. We are committed to helping our church family to develop and cultivate deeper relationships with Christ and become obedient to the Word of God.
We want people to see the love of God in us and the Gospel of Jesus Christ lived out through us. We engage with our community by hosting various community events.
We are committed to teaching the Bible because we believe the Bible is the unadulterated truth and God’s final authority. We continually learn God’s Word and put it into practice!
We elevate communication with God as an essential means for personal transformation and effective ministry which pleases and honors him.
We glorify God and experience. His presence through corporate and personal worship that is God centered, life changing, and based on biblical principles, resulting in expressions of gratitude, honor, and service.
We value spiritual growth and are committed to equipping and helping our church family to develop and cultivate deeper relationships with Christ to become obedient to the Word of God and instrumental in building the Kingdom of God. Cultivating a deeper relationship with Christ requires commitments. The Commitments are to study God’s word, to commit to prayer and to share God’s word, and to commit to loving individuals unconditionally.
We assist a wide range of families in a wide range of circumstances in finding God’s will for their lives. We help them study God’s Word so they can discover and pursue God’s will. We encourage the entire family structure to worship and praise God.
We engage in random acts of kindness and look for ways to be a blessing. We want people to see the love of God in us and the Gospel of Jesus lived out through us. We engage with our community by hosting various community events such as drive-thru prayer and partnering with San Diego Adopt-A-Highway Program.