What is the meaning of Agape?
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Blessings to you! I hope our interactive website will provide information that you may need or want in furtherance of your spiritual growth and wellness. We are here for you in all times, good or bad. Reach out whenever needed. Our Love is Agape’s love which is “unconditional love”.
Do not be afraid or ashamed to pray out loud. Praying out loud will change you internally so pray without ceasing. Jesus reminds us “Our flesh is weak, but our spirit is willing”. Let’s get back to prayer!
Dr. Chanda G. Simmons
El Cajon, California
What is agape?
the definition: agape
The word "Agape" is the English interpretation of the New Testament Greek word for “unconditional love” and must be the distinctive sign of Christ’s disciples. God’s unconditional love is agape - love and the Bible urges us as Christians to love God and love one another with this type of unconditional love (Matthew 22:37-40).
Agape Love is forgiving and goes beyond one’s comfort and security to reach out and draw others in to experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and help. Jesus became the perfect demonstration of God’s unconditional love for us by laying down his life for our sins.
This sacrificial unconditional love is not subject to positive feelings, but rather on a consistent and courageous willful choice to extend oneself for the well-being of another person.
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